Product Design

The Konro Table Gril with Röshults


Zacharias Makris



The Konro Table Gril with Röshults

The objective is to seamlessly Merge the timeless charm of japanese culture and functionality of the konro with Röshults’ commitment to craftsmanship, quality, and innovation.

The Konro Table Grill should appeal to those who value exceptional design, high-quality craftsmanship, and the ability to host intimate gatherings or special occasions with style and sophistication. Utilization of premium metal, such as stainless steel and leather details were used to evoke a sense of luxury and durability. While compact enough to fit comfortably on a dining table or kitchen countertop, the Konro Table Grill will retain its Portability, allowing users to effortlessly move it between indoor and outdoor settings.

Upon completion, the design process will deliver a comprehensive design package as well as A product family that will include a fire chimney, a set of chopsticks and the packaging that will be used for the delivery of the product.

The Konro Table Gril with RöshultsThe Konro Table Gril with RöshultsThe Konro Table Gril with RöshultsThe Konro Table Gril with RöshultsThe Konro Table Gril with RöshultsThe Konro Table Gril with RöshultsThe Konro Table Gril with RöshultsThe Konro Table Gril with RöshultsThe Konro Table Gril with RöshultsThe Konro Table Gril with RöshultsThe Konro Table Gril with Röshults